CO DMV Point System

Every state has its own point values applied to traffic convictions you obtain, which is why you should be learning the Colorado DMV point system before you think that you know what points are being applied to your license and driver's record in Colorado. When it comes to obtaining DMV points, less is definitely better, as the more points you receive, the more in jeopardy your license becomes. Different violations are issued different points in Colorado, which can differ a great deal from one violation to the next.

Colorado Point Values

There are several differences in the points obtained per violation, which is something that you should understand. Even if you feel that the conviction is similar to the other, the points issued can be much different. As you rack up the points, your license could be lost and your insurance rates can actually double or even triple, so make sure you know just how many points you receive for which convictions you receive.

  • DUI (Drugs or Alcohol): 12 Points
  • DWI (Alcohol): 8 Points
  • Leaving Scene of Accident:12 Points
  • Racing: 12 Points
  • Evasion of Officer: 12 Points
  • Reckless Driving: 8 Points
  • Careless Driving: 4 Points
  • Failure to yield for right-of-way: 4 Points
  • Speeding over limit 5-9 mph: 1 Point
  • Speeding over limit 10-19 mph: 4 Points
  • Speeding over limit 20-39 mph: 8 Points
  • Speeding over limit 40 or more mph: 12 Points
  • Failure to Provide Valid Proof of Insurance: 4 Points
  • Improper Pass: 4 Points
For a complete list of all violations and the points applied, you can visit

Getting a speeding ticket will have a large impact on the premiums you pay for insurance each year. Even if you only received a minor infraction, you can expect to see a significant rise in your auto insurance rates. With too many tickets, you could actually lose your insurance policy altogether, which will prevent you from driving as it is required to hold auto insurance before you can operate a vehicle in Colorado. Make sure that you always carry proof of your insurance, because even without the insurance card to prove the policy exists, your penalties can be quite serious.

Losing Your License to Points

Accumulation of too many DMV points in Colorado during a certain amount of time can cause you to lose your license through suspension. The following points can cause your license to be suspended:

  • Adults 21 and over can have their license suspended for 12 points within a 12 month period, or 18 points within a 24 month period.
  • Drivers between 18 and 21 can have their license suspended for 9 points within 12 month period, 12 points within 24 month period, or if 14 or more points are received before turning 21.
  • Drivers under 18 can have their license suspended for 6 points within 12 month period or 7 points before reaching the age of 18.
If you are issued a traffic ticket in Colorado for any offense that carries a specific amount of points, payment of the fines, a plea bargain, or a guilty plea will be the equivalent of conviction. Once you have been convicted, the traffic courts alert the DMV, at which time the points are applied to your driver's license and Colorado driving record. You can have your license revoked with only a few points, with all points remaining for a maximum period of 7 years, reflecting bad choices and causing your credibility to decrease.

Check Colorado License Status

If you aren't sure whether you have received the maximum number of points, which convictions are present, or what your current license status is in Colorado, you can obtain a driver's record to view what is listed. This could be a great way to determine whether you should take defensive driving courses or if there is an issue with your license you haven't been aware of, including suspension.