CO Driving Manuals

When it comes to preparation for your driver's tests and driving with your license, the driver's handbooks in Colorado are definitely the best tools. There are driver handbooks offered for the different types of Colorado drivers to better understand their place and many responsibilities and restrictions on the roads. From road signs to proper maneuvers and handling situations you didn't expect, these handbooks are quite essential to safe and proper driving skills on the roads of Colorado, which could propose different regulations than other states – a great reason why out-of-state drivers should always take a look at these handbooks before setting forth on Colorado roads.

What Resources Are Offered?

The Colorado DMV offers a great array of free handbooks and guides for driving in Colorado, as well as informative guides for obtaining, maintaining, and handling issues with licensing in the state.

  • All Colorado Driver Handbooks can be found online, in English and Spanish versions offered. You can also receive the CDL Driver Handbook online from the same site. These handbooks can also be obtained by visiting the DMV and requesting a copy – with copies often sitting out for drivers who need one.
  • The Colorado Motorcycle Operator's Handbook is also offered online. You can use this handbook to receive the ultimate guide in receiving your Class M endorsement for operation of a motorcycle in Colorado. It will explain the reason no license is offered, and what the difference is between a license and endorsement.
Passenger Vehicle and School Bus Driver Handbook in Colorado

School buses transport our children, and in an effort to ensure the best safety possible, drivers of these buses must go through rigorous training and application procedures before they are issued the license granting privilege to transport children in the state. Passenger vehicles could hold people of all age groups, and are just as important when it comes to safety. For this reason, there is different information required to fully understand the responsibilities and roles taken on as passenger vehicle and school bus drivers in Colorado.

CDL drivers are able to obtain an “S” endorsement applied to their license, giving them the privilege to utilize these passenger vehicles and school buses. However, before the test is taken, and the license is received, the appropriate manuals should be accessed so you are fully aware of all the different rules and procedures that apply to your driver type. The handbook offered by the Colorado DMV online is provided within 3 parts, each at different pages online.

Part 1:CDL Driver’s Handbook

Part 2:CDL Driver’s Handbook

Part 3:CDL Driver’s Handbook

All Colorado driver handbooks online are provided in PDF format, which requires that you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to view and print. For more forms and information about these forms online from the Colorado DMV, you can also visit Forms Online in Colorado