CO Tickets & Violations

Just because you are issued your Colorado driver’s license, it doesn’t mean that it can never be taken from you. While there are severe circumstances that can cause your license to be suspended, cancelled, revoked, or denied, there are many times when just accumulating too many points on your driver’s record could also result in the loss of your driving privileges. Traffic tickets and violations in Colorado are a serious deal and must be handled appropriately to ensure that your driving privileges aren’t cancelled, but there are times when suspension is eminent, including with most DUI/DWI offenses in Colorado.

Tickets, Points, and Fines in Colorado

  • Colorado tickets, points, and fines are different from any others in the U.S. However, they are just as important and risky for your driver’s license. While you can obtain a secondary violation for something such as failure to strap in, there are other primary offenses that can cause you great stress in the form of fines and consequences, including Colorado license suspension.
  • Protecting your driver’s record means refraining from Colorado traffic tickets, points, and fines, as they can greatly impair the image of you as a driver when there are too many present. While not all tickets may be reflected in your driver’s record, some removed after you have successfully satisfied the terms of the violation, such as paying the ticket, attending a traffic school, or other required terms.
Traffic Schools in Colorado

  • If you have received a ticket in Colorado, check with the county DMV office to determine whether a traffic school course in CO could be the answer to removing this violation from your driving record. These schools aren’t only used for tickets, however, as all drivers are eligible to join in the courses offered in order to improve Colorado driving skills and reduce the cost of auto insurance.
Colorado License Suspension

  • Find out what violations, tickets, and how many points are going to cause your Colorado license to be suspended. When your license is suspended, you are no longer permitted to operate a motor vehicle in the state for any reason – but you may be able to obtain hardship licensing if offered by the DMV and if approved based on the circumstances and cause of your suspension.
  • Make sure that you understand the implications of your license suspension and know how to reinstate your license when the time comes if you are even eligible.
Colorado DUI/DWI Laws

  • will explain to you the various DUI and DWI laws in Colorado, how they can affect you, and what to expect. There are different DUI and DWI laws found in each state, so knowing what pertains to Colorado drivers is essential. You will see what level of intoxication is too much and what happens if you are caught driving under the influence in Colorado.