The Colorado Defensive Driving Course

There are three compelling reasons to enroll in a defensive driving course in Colorado. The first is that a traffic school certificate can be used to have a ticket dismissed from your record. The second reason is that taking a driving training course can lower your insurance costs. The third reason is that learning defensive driving online makes completing a traffic safety program simple and accessible. If you're looking for a Colorado traffic school, you should consider which providers are licensed in your county. Separate providers have been approved by El Paso and Denver counties, and you must ensure that your DMV approves the school you wish to attend. If you search for online courses, you will most likely discover that they are approved in almost every Colorado county.

Colorado Defensive Driving Courses

The type of driver improvement course you will require in Colorado will be determined by the requirements of your referring court or insurance company. While a standard responsible driving course should be sufficient to earn discounts, a traffic court's course recommendation may be more specific. Each Colorado county has its own set of approved courses, but the following are some standard programs:
  • Aggressive driving courses.
  • Advanced defensive driving courses.
  • Standard responsible driving courses.
  • Teen defensive driving course.
  • Senior defensive driving course.


Colorado has two ways to be eligible for defensive driving school. The Colorado Traffic Court may refer you to a safe driving class if you volunteer for one. A traffic court judge must approve your request to attend traffic school to be genuinely eligible. However, the standard requirements are as follows:
  • You must have a valid Colorado driver's license.
  • You must not have committed a violent crime.


In Colorado, there is no state-mandated driving safety course curriculum. Part of this is because each county approves different defensive driving courses, and the same course may not be approved in another county. There are, however, common standards for what will be included in a traffic course. These are some examples:
  • Colorado's driving laws and safe driving habits.
  • Vehicle maintenance and emergencies
  • Driving etiquette and the dangers of driving under the influence
  • A final course exam that students must pass to graduate from the course.
Some DMV traffic schools are more specialized for aggressive drivers or seniors, and their curriculum will be tailored to their specific interests. Furthermore, while a quiz is required to pass, provides unlimited retakes to ensure students pass.


  • Avoid A Traffic Ticket
    • For speeding tickets, some drivers are eligible to attend driving school. Drivers in Colorado can have their traffic ticket dismissed if they apply for permission to attend traffic school. The local court decides whether or not a driver can dismiss a case-by-case ticket basis.
  • Avoid Driving Record Points
    • You must admit guilt to your ticket to attend driving classes to remove points from your record. The Colorado traffic courts will immediately reduce the number of points on your license. Attending traffic school may also result in the ticket being dismissed entirely.
  • Avoid Insurance Premiums
    • Even if you cannot dismiss the ticket, an online traffic school may help you avoid insurance increases. Any traffic violation, no matter how minor, will almost always increase your auto insurance premiums. Take a traffic school course to have the ticket dismissed, so your insurance company never sees it, or take a course to have the ticket reduced so that your insurance premiums do not skyrocket.
  • Discount On Car Insurance
    • If you voluntarily enroll in a Colorado insurance reduction course, your insurance provider may agree to give you a discount on your current policy. Each insurance provider determines the value of the discount and who is eligible.
  • Learn How To Drive Safely
    • The primary advantage of attending traffic school for tickets is that it will make you a better driver. While tickets are inconvenient and insurance is costly, there is no price you can put on your safety while driving.


Drivers must shop around their county to find the cheapest traffic school. Each county in Colorado has approved a group of third-party traffic school providers who sell their courses as a product. As a result, prices vary greatly.