CO Manuals & Handbooks
If you need manuals, handbooks, and other publications from the Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles, is a great choice for locating these documents easily. Not only can you get the information for obtaining these forms from your local office, but how to obtain these forms by mail or online as well, ensuring that you get them quickly and without a bunch of searching and calling offices that don’t even offer the from or publication.Colorado DMV Forms
First, every DMV form offered in Colorado is offered in each office. To find the office closest to you, you can view the office locator at By City / Location.
- However, Colorado has updated its systems in the recent years to offer each of these same DMV forms online as well, which can be found at Forms and Publications. That includes all publications offered by the DMV for drivers.
- Change of Address Form
- Affidavit of Liability and Guardianship
- Drive Time Log Sheet
- Permission of Release of Individual Records
- Personalized License Plate Application
The Bill of Sale form is required in Colorado for all private party sales, ensuring proper proof of the transaction. This is a security form for both sellers and buyers, ensuring that there are no liabilities to the original owner after the vehicle is sold, and that the new owner can prove the vehicle now belongs to them and not the previous owner.
This is one form that you will have to visit the office to obtain, however, there are several generic Bill of Sale forms offered online with entire kits offered to help you make sure that you get the form signed properly and have appropriate information and documents needed for the sale to be finalized.
Colorado Driver Handbooks
There are several driver handbooks, often referred to as manuals, offered in Colorado. There is a manual offered online for every type of driver, offered in English as well as Spanish, provided in PDF format which requires Adobe Reader.
Colorado Vehicle Code
The laws of Colorado are always changing and that goes for vehicle statutes and traffic laws that pertain to every driver in the state. While the changes may not be announced everywhere you look, you are responsible for maintaining your license by learning laws and changes as they arise. Visit online for the Colorado Revised Statutes.
To understand the vehicle code for Colorado better, you could always choose for your guide.