Florida Auto Warranty

An automobile warranty is an important part in the purchase of a vehicle. It is important for each consumer to be aware of the different warranties that applies to the vehicle, when the warranty expires, and so on. 4dmv.com brings you all the information you need to know in this easy to understand guide that cuts through the hard to understand language.

Extended Warranty

Extended warranties are warranties that provide coverage for repairs to the vehicle once the vehicle’s manufacturer warranty has expired. To determine whether you need an extended warranty, consider the following.

  • Consider the repair history of the vehicle.
  • Consider what repairs the extended warranty will cover
Extended Warranty Transfer

There are some extended warranties that are transferable which is a great selling point when it comes time to sell the vehicle. To determine if you have an extended warranty that can be transferred you will need to check with the provider of the warranty.

If you are the buyer of the used vehicle that comes with an extended warranty make certain that the policy /warranty is actually transferable. Warranties are confusing and you should verify that it is indeed transferable.

Dealership Provided Warranties

Many new and used cars are sold through dealerships that come with warranties which gives the car buyer a sense of security. To find out if the vehicle you are interested in comes with an extended warranty then you must ask the dealer or salesperson. The dealer will inform you of all warranties on the vehicle and their terms.

When purchasing a new or used vehicle check for all warranties that may be included with the vehicle as they can save you a great amount in repair bills.