ME Registration Renewal

First-time registration leads to registration renewal as the registration expiration date approaches. Renewal ensures that your vehicle is still insured and meeting state standards so that your vehicle can still be operated within the state.

If you fail to renew your vehicle registration by the date indicated, you aren’t going to be permitted to operate the vehicle in public roadways, nor will anyone else. However, the trouble comes in penalties that can follow for late renewal, as well as the need to continue insurance on your vehicle – so you could be paying insurance costs for a vehicle you aren’t able to drive.

There are different ways to renew registration in MAINE, which you will find listed on your registration renewal notice, which is sent to you at least 30-60 days before your registration is even required, giving you ample time to renew which is possible early.

Check the Renewal Notice

About 30 to 60 days before your vehicle’s registration is expired, the ME DMV will mail you a renewal notice that reminds you of the due date approaching, offers different methods of renewal, provides all the contact information you will need, provides a code that could be useful during renewal, and is also used for mail in and in-person renewals to complete services.

  1. Receive renewal notice by mail.
  2. Check the information to ensure correct.
  3. Check for the options available to you for renewal.
  4. Check for any requirements before renewal.
  5. Take with you to the DMV to complete renewal; or send to the DMV with your renewal payment and any requested documents; or use to complete renewal online if offered.
This renewal notice will also indicate your requirements for emissions inspection on the vehicle if necessary in your county and for your vehicle. This notice is essential to the renewal process, therefore must be kept with you until renewal is completed.

Fees for Registration Renewal in MAINE

Fees for renewing your registration change in all states, with the state of ME following its own fee schedule as well. This is another step where your renewal notice kicks in as it indicates the costs you must pay for renewing registration of your vehicle.

If you decide that you would like to swap your standard plates for personalized plates, there will be an additional cost, but this is the perfect time to do so, giving you ample time before you have to visit the DMV again or pay any other fees.

Senior and disabled drivers are provided with discounts in some cases, helping them to better afford their registration renewal costs, and keeping them on the road easier.

Registration Renewal Online

You always want to be sure of the options you have for renewing your registration. If there is an online option offered, you definitely want to take advantage as this is a great way to avoid visiting the DMV and having to wait in line for quite some time.

If you decide that you want to renew your registration online, you can follow these easy steps:

  • Check your renewal notice to determine what site to visit and what requirements you must first meet.
  • Determine your emissions testing needs for registration, completing such first.
  • Collect your vehicle information, including tag number, title number, and insurance policy number.
  • Have a credit/debit card ready to pay your renewal fee.
  • Visit the website offered for registration renewals in MAINE and follow the site instructions.
  • Print your receipt and the temporary certificate which must be held until your state registration documents arrive in the mail within 10-14 business days.
Renewal of Registration in Office

Getting your registration renewed through the DMV office is just as easy and can be done in just as little steps, perhaps even less.

  1. Check your registration renewal notice to determine the date your renewal must be completed by.
  2. Gather all current registration paperwork and documents, with your notice, and proof of current auto insurance.
  3. Pay your fees by check, cash, or money order – with some offices not allowing credit/debit card payments.
This can be done at any county registration office offered.

Mail-In Vehicle Registration Renewal

If you wish to complete your renewal through the mail, you can finish in just a couple steps as well.

  1. Get the address for mail-in renewal if offered from the renewal notice.
  2. Write a check out to the DMV office appropriate, or a money order, for the amount of renewal fees.
  3. Send your notice and payment to the address provided on the notice.
  4. You will be sent all renewed documents by mail within 10 to 14 days.
Attaching Your License Plate Stickers

Once your registration is renewed, you also receive renewed plate stickers. These must be attached to the tag in the appropriate place, often on top of the previous stickers or in place of them. Without these stickers, officers behind you aren’t able to determine whether your registration has been renewed or not.