ME Suspended License

Having your license suspended is the ultimate punishment that will restrict your driving completely. Not only are you no longer able to operate your vehicle, but you have to satisfy the conditions of the suspension before you are able to reinstate your driver’s license, which could require hefty fees are paid and driver training is completed.

There are several moving violations in the state that can impose penalties against you, with the more severe causing automatic license suspension – otherwise, accrual of various offenses within a certain time frame could cause your license to be suspended as well. You will receive a letter from the ME DMV if your license is being suspended, and the suspension reflects on your driver’s record as well.

You can always check your driver’s record to verify the status of your license, or you could simply contact the DMV and inquire on your status as well.

MAINE Driver’s Record

A driver’s record is a great method of determining your license status, viewing those things that you have done wrong on roadways, and seeing other things as well such as:

  • Accidents
  • Traffic Court Appearances
  • Driving Citations
  • Driving Offenses
  • Penalties
  • Suspension
  • Revocation
  • Cancellation
There are generally 3 methods to getting your driving record – online, by mail, or in person, with the DMV acting as the main source. You can, however, seek outside sources to obtain this report, getting an instant copy right online. At the same time, you can visit the local court system as well to possibly receive your records, or visit the state’s vital records office to do so.

DMV Interstate Compact

You may think that a suspended license in one state has no bearing on other states you may move to or travel in, but it does. In fact, there is an interstate compact between state DMV’s, allowing them to transmit information about drivers to each other so a suspension in one state is carried out in others as well.

  • The National Driver Register can be found at This register holds information about all drivers in the U.S. from state to state and the suspensions that are held and should carry forth to all states.
  • Your suspension is communicated from ME to any state you are in, ensuring that your license remains suspended until your time is over.
  • There is also a Driver License Compact that transmits information between states as well.

Driving with Suspended License Penalties

If you decide that you are above the law and drive with a suspended license, there are strict penalties that are handed down. The overall penalties will depend mostly on the initial offense for which your license was suspended. Getting caught behind the wheel with a suspended license, however, will for sure lengthen your suspension term, increase your fines, and may even result in jail time.

License Reinstatement

Once your suspension term is up and you have successfully completed the conditions of your suspension, you can have your license reinstated as long as the courts did not indicate otherwise.

  1. Contact the DMV to request restoration requirements to be sent to you.
  2. The letter will detail the requirements set forth for reinstatement of your license.
  3. Complete all requirements, obtaining proof if applicable.
  4. Visit DMV with documenting proof of completed tasks, and request your new license.
  5. Complete all steps and pay fees.
If your license is currently suspended due to a serious offense, you should contact a traffic attorney in order to determine your steps for reinstatement if possible.

Keep Your Driver’s Record Clean

If you want to avoid license suspension, follow the rules of the road and keep your driver’s record clean. Understand that accumulating DMV points can not only suspend your license, but can also cause your insurance rates to hike and employment to be more difficult to obtain.

You can view the driver’s handbook in order to determine the amount of points or offenses necessary to cause license suspension so you can avoid them at all costs.
