CT Tickets & Violations

There is nothing worse for a driver than seeing those flashing lights behind you as you are going down the road. When you are given a ticket, you have a lot of things to think about, such as the monetary loss, the loss of wages as you tend to the ticket – which may include a court appearance or administrative interview – and the loss of your fine driving record, which will be marred for some time.

Getting a traffic citation indicates that you have broken the traffic laws in CONNECTICUT, therefore leading to a penalty which can include fines, DMV points, requirements for driver training, and other penalties as well. The overall experience can be so disturbing because it just causes a headache you would prefer to go without, but you have to understand what you are encountering and the best methods of resolving your violations most easily and satisfactorily.

Types of Violations in CT

There are various types of violations that can result in a traffic ticket, with most citations issued for moving violations. There are also non-moving violations that tend to carry much less penalties. However, depending on the actual offense, there can be various different consequences. There are also DUI violations, which can also turn into DWI offenses as well. Each type of violation is going to have some consequence and could be added to your driver’s record.

Moving Violations

Moving violations are termed as such due to the nature of the offense. These types of violations are offenses that are committed while a vehicle is in motion.

  • Speeding
  • Driving too slow
  • Failure to yield or stop
  • Careless or reckless driving
Non-Moving Violations

Just like moving violations, non-moving violations are termed so because of the nature of which these offenses are committed. If a vehicle is not in motion but an offense is committed, it is a non-moving violation.

  • Unauthorized/illegal parking in disability space
  • Invalid or expired registration
  • Expired or absent license plates
  • Vehicle running while unattended
Options for Handling Your Citation

If you happen to receive a traffic citation, you can check the actual ticket slip to determine what steps to take next. It will detail your options for taking care of the issue and ensuring it is properly resolved.

  • Most citations don’t require a court appearance, with a pay option immediately. If you pay the ticket, you automatically assume guilt.
  • Your ticket will indicate the date by which you must pay your fine if you choose so, with a total fine cost as well.
  • You must deal with your ticket in the county which it is received and no other.
  • You may pay your fine at any county court by cash or check.
  • You may be offered on online ticket payment option if offered by the DMV.
  • If you wish to dispute your ticket, you are required to appear in court on the date that is scheduled by the DMV.
  • You can consult a traffic attorney in order to determine the steps that you can take to resolve the ticket if you wish.
Pleading Guilty and Receiving Convictions

If you want to pay the ticket instead of hassling with a court date and time loss, you can straight out pay the fine, pleading guilty and accepting the points on your driver record. If you don’t appear in court or pay the fine, you are assumed guilty and can receive a bench warrant.